The Awakened

The Awakened One's state cannot be overturned.
None can assail it.
Down what path can you lead one
who abides in the pathless infinite?

The Awakened One is not ensnared, entangled,
or full of cravings.
He cannot be threatened or enticed.
Down what path can you lead one
who abides in the pathless infinite?

One who is awake and mindful,
who abides in stillness,
who delights in the freedom of non-attachment –
even the gods envy such a one.

It is a rare event to be born human.
Mortal life is difficult.
It is a rare opportunity to hear Dhamma.
Buddhas do not often appear.

To do no evil, to perform right action,
to purify the mind –
this is what the Buddhas teach.

Patience is the highest virtue.
Nirvana is the highest goal.
So say the Awakened Ones.
One who harms others has not even started.
One who inflicts injury has not begun to practice.

Speak no evil.
Do no harm.
Practice self-mastery.
Eat in moderation.
Dwell in solitude.
Abide in higher states.
This is what the Buddhas teach.

Even a shower of gold
could not satisfy your cravings and desires,
could not free you from pleasure and pain.

The sage does not desire even divine pleasures.
One who delights in the absence of desire
has realized the teaching of the Buddhas.

In their fear, many flee to mountains and forests,
seeking sanctuary in groves and trees.

This is not a secure sanctuary.
This is not an adequate refuge.
It offers no release from suffering.

Whoever seeks refuge
in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha
realizes these four noble truths:

Life is suffering.
Suffering has a cause.
There is a way to end suffering.
The noble eightfold path is the way.

This is the secure refuge.
This is the ultimate sanctuary.
One who takes refuge here
is released from all suffering.

The appearance of an Awakened One is rare.
One does not turn up just anywhere.
Those who live in the same place and time
are fortunate.

Blessed is the Way of Buddha.
Blessed is the Truth of Dhamma.
Blessed is the Life of Sangha.
Blessed are the efforts of earnest disciples.

The fortunate virtue of one
who recognizes the worthy,
whether Buddhas or wise disciples,
who recognizes those who are free of evil and delusion,
who recognizes those who are not bound by suffering –

the fortunate virtue of such a one
as this cannot be understood
by saying it is this much or that much.