One who does what is wrong
and fails to do what is right,
who pursues sense pleasures
and ignores the path of truth,
will one day meet a man who pursues Truth
and be filled with envy.
Do not attach your thoughts
to the desirable or the undesirable.
To not have what you think is desirable
causes suffering.
To have what you think is undesirable
causes suffering.
Therefore, do not bind yourself to pleasure.
Separation from the desirable is experienced as pain.
One who sees nothing as desirable or undesirable
is bound to nothing.
Desire causes suffering and fear.
One who is free of desire is free of suffering.
Where is the cause of fear?
Caring causes suffering and fear.
One who is free of caring is free of suffering.
Where is the cause of fear?
Pleasure causes suffering and fear.
One who is free of pleasure is free of suffering.
Where is the cause of fear?
Passion causes suffering and fear.
One who is free of passion is free of suffering.
Where is the cause of fear?
Craving causes suffering and fear.
One who is free of craving is free of suffering.
Where is the cause of fear?
One who is established in clarity and virtue,
one who lives Dhamma and speaks the truth,
one who does what is his alone to do –
such a one is beloved in the world.
One who aspires to the Unknowable,
whose mind is clear and determined,
whose heart is not bound to sense pleasures,
is called "one who goes upstream."
When one returns home after a long journey
he is greeted with joy by relatives,
friends, and well-wishers.
In the same way, when one travels from this world
to the next, he is welcomed by his good deeds
like a loved one returning to kinsmen.